Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Visualizing whirled peas.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!
Curtis LOVES you!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life's a beach

On Saturday, we got to go to Doran beach with our friends Charlie and Erin. It was such a beautiful day! We had a really great time. Curtis and Charlie were really good boys. Curtis didn't even eat any sand!

It wasn't easy getting all of us in the picture, but
we did it.

Mom and Curtis wearing our favorite color.

Erin with the two best boys on the beach!

From Garbanzo to 7 month old!

Can you believe our boy has gone from this little tiny bean.....

....to this gorgeous 7 month old? We love you Curtis James! We are so lucky you came into our lives.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Skate Night!

Last night was our first official Tester family skate night. We were bad parents and kept Curtis out after 9:00 all in the name of skating. We met up with a bunch of Andy's co-workers at the rink in rohnert park. As you can see from our action shots - we were pretty awesome. Andy even looks like he is skating backwards in this photo!! And we didn't fall. Unfortunatly we didn't get to do couples skate cause one of us had to hold the babe. But it was super fun and Curtis LOVED being at the roller rink. There were so many cool lights and GREAT music and since it was 'adults' night, all kinds of interesting single men strutting their stuff out on the rink.

Our little longshoreman dreaming of the day he can get out on the rink. I can't wait for him to get his first pair of skates!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday!

Here we are on our way to vote! Curtis' first election!! Unfortunately, we got a flat tire on the stroller and had to drive. Oh well, at least we made it.

Curtis tried to eat his sticker

Curtis is a pro at sitting up. He would much rather stand up, but for now, sitting up will do.

And he is on the move! He can't quite figure out how to crawl, but he can spin around in circles. Crawling is just around the corner...we're in trouble.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

my first blog...

I can't make any promises, but I will try to keep up with pics of the boy. Remember - Curtis loves you.

Nap time today.......

Curtis had a good time helping make the bed. So much fun that he had to take a nap.