Monday, May 18, 2009

We are in our new home~

It was a long, hot weekend but we now residents of Cotati again. I don't know why we picked the hottest weekend (and my birthday!) to carry tons (seriously tons!) of boxes, furniture and one heavy piano - as well as crawl around in a hot, hot attic. But the ugly part is over and we are so happy to be in our new cute little house. A huge thanks to everyone who helped us out - especially Grammy and Grampy Coy, Kevin, Katie, Hannah and Leo, Jimmy, & M.J. - WOW what a lot of work. All we have left is to finish up all the odds and ends at the Sebastopol house and give it a good cleaning.

Our new yellow house is cute and cozy and I think it's going to be a great spot to raise our boy. My commute to work is now only FIVE minutes!! Unfortunately for Andy his is about 10-15 minutes longer. Curtis has been doing really well sleeping in his own room all by himself!! He has been adjusting really well and is having so much fun running around and getting into all the boxes to help us unpack. We have a nice little back yard that will be great for playing and romping around in the grass. AND we have a big park behind our house with lots of playground equipment, baseball diamonds, basket ball courts and a public pool - how great is that?

Of course we are so, so sad to leave beautiful Meadowsong Farm and our good friends Bridged, Taylor, Evan, and Claire - they have been so great to us. We have really bonded with their family and we will miss being neighbors. Curtis LOVES Evan and Claire and thinks all kids are named Evan or Claire. In fact in the few days since we have been in Cotati he opens the front curtains and calls out for Claire - it breaks my heart. It has been an amazing five years living there on the laguna - we have been through so many major life changes happy and sad. We got married in 2005 and became parents in 2007 and lost my dad in 2006. So many memories will be tied to this time in our lives and I feel so blessed to have had such a special place to live.

I promise to post pictures soon - I just have to get my computer hooked up again and figure out why it doesn't want to download pictures from my camera anymore. In the mean time to see pictures from our trip to Colorado check out: