Betsy has to share her 5 months with her big brother who also turned 5 years old in the same week. I don't think either of them mind.
This month's photo shoot didn't go as well as I was hoping - I wanted a perfect picture of a happy smiling baby, looking right at the camera, in focus, with the background neat and tidy. Is that too much to ask? But I did get these funny sweet pictures of my little ones. Not my plan, but I'll take 'em.
As you can probably guess, our girl continues to get cuter and funnier and sweeter with every day. When I was pregnant one of my many(!) fears was not being excited about the baby phase again. I mean, babies are so boring. They don't do anything. Kids are fun. They have imaginations. They can do tricks. They have conversations and funny ideas. They can get their own milk from the fridge. And no diapers! As your kids grow and become more independent, so do you! It's great. I was worried about starting all over again and having someone that is so very needy.
HOWEVER, as soon as Betsy Marie came into the world I knew those fears were unfounded. I'm loving all the little milestones she is going through. I love her little tiny body and her bald little head. I even love her constant supply of drool coming from her mouth. It's normal for my left shoulder to feel constantly damp from drool or spit up. (I know! Pretty!) I love her little feet and the way she rubs them together while she nurses. And the way she grabs onto my finger or shirt or skin while she is nursing so tightly as if to say don't you dare try to move. And the baby smell! Babies just smell so good it's addicting. Honestly I still think Curtis smells delicious and love to smell the top of his head but there is something about a baby smell. It must be another survival of the fittest thing. So yeah, having a baby is great. She is so easy going. Maybe it's because we have done it before and are not as stressed about every little thing. Maybe it's because she has a very active older brother and like it or not, she has to wait sometimes. Also knowing that this is our last time to enjoy this phase is a very sweet and wonderful thing.
Betsy's new tricks include:
- being cuter each day
- laughing a lot
- working on flipping over
- scooting her little body around on the floor
- eating little tiny bits of food - we haven't started solids to any real degree but she has enjoyed a few nibbles
- playing with toys - she has hands that grab and she wants to use them!
- making raspberry noises - a very useful talent.