Tuesday, June 10, 2014


One of our favorite super heroes turned 3 and we go to go celebrate with him last weekend at the super park in Sebastopol. Asante is Betsy's "boyfriend" although she is good at giving him the cold shoulder. He is the cutest mowhawked little buddy. 
Except for a bee sting, the kiddos had a great time. Plus there were lollipops and watermelon. And capes. And more watermelon. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

second grader

We now have an official second grader living with us. He is pretty handsome. AND smart.  We ended the school year with the big Dunham Carnival. (where I stacked milk bottles for two hours strait for the throw-the-ball-at-the-milk-bottles game - I may now qualify for carnie status.)

First grade has been so great! I am just so proud of the accomplishments of our boy this year.  It has been fun to go over all the improvements he has made this past school year in his reading, writing, & math! Not to mention the way he has learned to be a great friend to his classmates.  We are so lucky to be part of such an awesome, caring school.

I don't think he realizes how much he will miss all his buddies this summer. But I think we are all looking forward to a little break from all the homework and hustle of getting him out the door each morning.  Thank you summer!

betsy was NOT amused

For a little comparison, here's the first day of school picture too. Don't ask me why he's wearing the same shirt. Love this boy.

Oh! And a picture of his awesome teachers!!