Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So we needed a picture for a christmas card...

But getting a good picture of both kids being still and looking at the camera is pretty much impossible. 
I have a DSLR camera. It's not the super fanciest by far, but it's nice and it can do lots of things. And I utilize probably 10% of the functions that it is capable of. I wish I knew more about photography and that is one of my goals for the next year - to learn how to use my camera!  I just point and shoot. And for the most part, the pictures come out pretty good!
So I was reading some blog, that led me into an Internet rabbit hole, that led me to an article about using the manual functions of the camera. They made it sound really cool.  Just move the dial to 'M' and experiment - so simple! They showed various examples of pictures with different light levels and shutter speeds and stuff I won't even pretend that I retained.
Bright idea number1:
So I piled these two on the bed. I guess when you are experimenting with the manual settings, it's best to use a still life.

Sweet boy who was promised a marshmallow in exchange for taking a few pictures.
 When you are five you are able to sit still long enough for your picture to be taken.

But any movement gets blurred in the picture.
Add this one to the mix and you are just asking for trouble. 

Although they are cute as can be, someone was always blurry and these two were clearly not ready to grace the front of a Christmas card.

Bright idea #2:
Again, I read too much on the Internet. I'm looking at you Pinterest!
I saw something somewhere about hanging a sheet behind the bed, and using christmas lights - the kids will love to play with them and they will make some cute pictures, right? I'm sure there was something about lighting, but clearly I don't know what I'm doing.  Add to that two very grumpy kids and again, we have a fail. The lighting is horrible, not all soft and dreamy like I was hoping.

we should have just let them take a nap or watch cartoons. 

forced smile from curtis, frightened betsy


all good parents let their babies put lights in their mouths, right? 

However, I couldn't give up completely. I mean I hung a sheet on the wall!  I wanted to make that count for something! I tried again when the sun was down and the kids were in better moods.  I don't think these are great holiday card-worthy pictures, but I think there is some thing really sweet about them and I keep going back to look at this last batch especially. 

After bath time all cozy in their jammies:

I just love these two.  

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