Saturday, January 14, 2012

The family

I seem to have a giant head in most of our family portraits.  But I think I'm wearing earrings, which are pretty stylish.  And Andy has a lock on his arm.  And that is possibly the baby in the background but his preschool teacher says he didn't want to put the baby in the picture because "she hasn't had it yet".  

Friday, January 13, 2012

These two

Could they be any more in love?

Curtis James loves his dad like crazy.  The boy can't get enough of him.  And I know Andy feels the same way.  He wants to do everything his dad does. His most favorite thing right now is to have video game time with his pop.  As soon as Andy walks through the door at night the first words he hears are: "Daddy! I want to play video games with you!"  He wants to sit right next to his dad at the dinner table.  He even needs his dad more when he gets hurt.  It's been a definite shift from the little mama's boy he has always been, but it's also really cool to see. 

There is just a lot of love going on in our house right now.  I mean we talk A LOT about how much we love each other. I feel so lucky every day.  And we are all so excited to add this little baby to our nest and for Curtis to be a big brother!  Of course we have no idea what it will be like adding a new center of the universe to our household, but I know we won't run out of love for each other.  It will be a huge adjustment for all of us, especially for our little red-headed boy.  All I hope for is lots of laughing and cuddles and maybe a little sleep.  And chocolate.  And maybe a full glass of wine.  That would be nice.