Monday, January 14, 2013

Eleven Months

Eleven months and just look how cute! Wowzers. It's almost birthday time. One year ago she was busy growing in my belly, pushing her little elbows and knees all over and making waves beneath my skin. And we were busy getting excited to meet our new little one. Washing baby stuff and setting up a crib (that she still doesn't sleep in..), and convinced that she was a he, but kind of hoping it was a girl. Either way I was excited to have a new sibling for Curtis, a new addition to our family unit, a new member of our team.  A little brother for Curtis would have been so special and now that I am a boy-mom veteran of 5 years, I know how truly awesome and great boys are. And maybe because I grew up with a sister, I was hoping to give Curtis that kind of forever friend a sibling of the same sex can be. But we got a GIRL and I feel like I'm still learning what girls are all about. I mean it shouldn't be too hard - I am one, after all. I mostly grew up in a house of just girls. We had pink walls and pink tile and even a pink couch at one time!  Seeing the way the boys and girls are in Curtis' kindergarten makes me realize how different the two of them could end up seeing the world.
But for now she is just a funny little baby, learning new stuff every day. She stands up in the middle of the room and realizes she is doing it now and is just so impressed with herself. she even takes a tiny step once in a while.  She talks quite a bit, experimenting with new sounds. If we play music, she will dance. And if she is excited, she kicks here little legs like crazy. One of her nick names is KiKi. She loves shower time and will try to get in with all her clothes on if we let her.
But man-o-man, I think these two are pretty lucky to have each other and the sister/brother bond is pretty incredible. Curtis tells us he wants to marry Betsy when he grows up.  I know it's because he loves her like crazy and she is just part of him now. Like she is part of all of us.  She is exactly what we were waiting for the whole time.  Hooray for brothers and sisters and hooray for GIRLS!



only one picture with her brother

the leg is always in the air


it was time to stop
And just because Curtis has been working so hard on making this angry bird collection out of his modeling clay. I think they look pretty good!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas Re-cap

Now that we are a couple of weeks into the new year, I guess I should mention that Christmas happened. We need to document it because it was very sweet.  Having Christmas morning with little ones is the best thing ever. One member of the family was very happy to see that Santa did actually show up and he really was on the good list. I had a feeling he would be.
One member was excited to just eat some paper.

More paper...

What you got there?


Then we got to go to grammie and grandpa's and do it all over again!

Plus this cuteness happened:


Santa came again!

Nicholas has been asking and asking for this book about fabric.

Angry birds! How did they know??

Mini me cabbage patch doll

more paper!
pretty successful first christmas for the bets

snuggle time
You have a little bit of cute up on top.

We traveled to Solvang for a sit in the shoe
And some snuggle time with Mio
A lot of this happened

Betsy ended up in a box with a cat.
There was definitely not enough of this